Huawei P20 Pro Photo Gallery: Part One

In my previous write-up of the Huawei P20 Pro, there was something clearly missing – photographic evidence of how good the camera is. Until now!

Here’s my first gallery that hopefully gives an idea of what it is capable of, and I’ll have more to contribute over the Easter weekend. Sadly this week has been pretty unkind in the weather department, meaning a lot of rather dull and grey images that don’t do any camera justice.

You can see all these photos on Google Photos, along with many more from other contributors. This gallery is expanding all the time – and will be the first place to see new photos as and when I add them.


7 thoughts on “Huawei P20 Pro Photo Gallery: Part One

  1. Thank you for sharing these photos and videos from your p20 pro so overall the camera seems to give best performance with amazing picture quality.


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